12 Black Digital Artists & Painters to Follow on Instagram In 2025 (Part II)
Instagram continues to be home to some of the most amazing known and unknown talents. From digital artists, painters, sculptors and many more.
Today’s article is part 2 in a series of amazing digital artists and painters who’s work you should check out and buy. Find part one here.
1) Chelsea Nicole
Chelsea Nicole is a painter who does canvas paintings of legends, notable names and often opens up spots for commissioned pieces. Head on over to her Instagram and self titled website to buy her work or show support.

2) Aislinn.art
Aislinn is a London based textile grad illustrator. She does intricate portraits that are beautifully illustrated. Follow her page to show support and buy her work.

Watch part 4 of amazing Black digital artists & painters who’s work you should follow, support and buy in the above video.

3) Brionya James
Brionya is a fine artist, muralist, teacher and illustrator from Atlanta who’s currently based in Northern Italy. Brionya doesn’t take commission requests. Follow her page, purchase her art and show support by recommending her work to others or sharing it.

4) Coloredafros_
Nydia is an artist from Nashville. She has always had a love for art but started doing it full time in 2019. She offers detailed tutorials on form of courses, digital prints of her work as well as tarot cards inspired by Afro avatars. Check out her page and website to purchase her work or donate.

5) Coco Michele
Coco Michelle is an artist and digital illustrator. Check out more of her work on her Instagram page and Pinterest page to show support or buy a commissioned piece.

6) Ayogu Kingsley
Ayogu Kingsley is a Nigerian artist known for his unique hyperrealism style. His work is available for purchase both as prints and original paintings on his self titled website.

7) _Arieerose
Aries Rose is an illustrator and graphic designer. Follow her page to buy commissioned pieces and support her work.

8) Ojingiri Peter
Ojingiri Peter is a Nigerian self taught pen and pencil artist. Follow his page to purchase and show support for his artwork.

9) Tajfrancis
Taj Francis is a Jamaica based illustration major graduate from Edna Marley School of arts. Follow his page to show support for his work and purchase his art.

10) Paracosm
John is a 20 year old self taught artist. Follow his page to buy his prints which come in matte and gloss.

11) x718_
Gabriella is a mystic artist and illustrator. Follow her page to find out when she has open commission spots to get yourself a customized piece.

12) Thick East African Girl
As her website reads, Gelila is an Ethiopian Artist. The inspiration for her art work comes from African culture and black women. The abundance in color as well as patterns are influenced by traditional African clothing and vibrant prints. Her subject matter heavily focuses on Black women because for a long period of time they were misrepresented and not fully appreciated as muses in the art community. “My art is meant to uplift and celebrate the rich ancestry, heritage, culture and beauty that Black women posses.” Follow her page to purchase her work and show support.

Check out Black girls who paint and Young black artists on Instagram for these and many more talented Black digital artists & painters.